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"True self-care isn't about salt baths and chocolate cake, it's about choosing to build a life that you don't have to run from on a regular basis" ~ Brianna Wiest


So much has been written and said about self-care. And as much as it has been talked about, there are many misconceptions and misinterpretations about what self-care really is.


When we talk about self-care, I don't just mean that fluffy love stuff. It's about taking care of yourself, choosing yourself, taking time to find out what your values are. Taking the time to integrate your shadows and work on yourself. Taking the time to understand ourselves so that we can create a reality that feels good to us and is in harmony with us.


This toolbox will help you to step back and find time for yourself. It will show you that you are important and that you deserve time for yourself and your attention.


This toolbox is the perfect complement to my Self-Care Workbook, which is also available in my shop. The workbook dives deep into self-care and helps you develop and maintain a self-care routine. The exercises, tools and techniques you will find in this Self-Care Toolbox will support you even better.


I recommend that you first work through the workbook to get a better and deeper understanding of what self-care really is. After that, you can use this toolbox whenever you are looking for inspiration or want to consciously work on or deepen certain topics.


You'll get lots of exercises, worksheets, techniques, journaling suggestions and detailed coaching questions to help you change yourself and your life. If you are short on time, this toolbox is just the start you need to take better care of yourself. It is designed to serve as a foundation on which you can build new routines and beliefs so that transformation can take place on all levels.


Use the toolbox like a buffet that you can help yourself to. You choose the exercise that helps you the most at that moment. Let yourself be guided by your inner voice.


You will receive a printable and a digitally writable version via download.

Die Self-Care Toolbox (digital GERMAN PDF version)

SKU: 6
  • You will receive a printable and a digitally writable version via download.



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 created & designed with ❤ by Regina Voegelin | Creating Space 

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